Re: Recognition And
US States are deprived of this fundamental law, costing more than just lives but also a way of life guaranteed to them, for within the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights is the Inherent Constitutional Building Code, not yet realized.
There is a difference between a natural disaster and a weather phenomenon, primarily in man made structure. Furthermore, is it a natural disaster when the human rubble is an ecological disaster? Much has been lost without the ICB Code, that’s in relation to the Declaration of Independence and the Bill of Rights and originates with these words:
INDIVIDUALISM, of a State and its citizens, are in constant threat of Federal Jurisdiction, a Martial law with extreme weather, or when a factory/corporation’s operations pose a threat with or without a natural disaster.
LIFE AND LIBERTY, is equal to saying Free Will, also known as metaphysics. This cannot be if everything you achieve in this world can be wiped off the face of the Earth because one’s home is no longer a shelter.
PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS vanishes quickly in places like Tornado Alley and coastal regions with no code reform in sight after over 200 years of Natural Disaster History.
PROPERTY of every nature is jeopardized with the current state of affairs, case in point, Polar Vortex, New Jersey, Philippines, Haiti, and Tornado Alley to
When asking “What does the government owe to society?” Sharswood* put it best in saying, “The impartial administration of equal and just laws, which insure the security of life, liberty, and property.”
The ICB Code is advantageous to the sustainability of this country and its future generations. Once recognized the Natural Disaster Environmental History Code (NDEH Code) can also be implemented at some point.**
Notes: *Owen’s Law Quizzer pg713, 5th Edition, 1898 By Wilber A. Owen, **For further information on the NDEH Code go to