To whom it my concern

A major part of this Blog is the excerpts (revised) of a book I am writing by the same name "A Funny Little Though,"

It is my hope to help serve mankind and the Mother of all of us Mother-earth.

True we were born sinners but we were also born to be "stewards" of this land we call Mother-earth!

Author and Illustrator, Mary K. Butler

This Blog is the political, philosophical, and religious points of view of One American. The three little dirty words we all like to talk about


Visionary, Philosopher, Theologian, Architectural Designer, Free Thinker

Monday, March 15, 2010

The American Dollar

It seems we are cutting off our nose, to spite our face. In the last eight years I have see our dollar do a belly flop in to the abyss of corruption and deception! In the mid 90’s the American Dollar was in more a superior standing in the world global market. With the people we have in office right now, I feel that the Integrity of the U.S. Dollar and what it truly represents is at risk of total obliteration. It was bad enough that in the late 60’s early 70’s our government removed the gold and silver from our money so now it is pretty much worthless printed paper & coins (mining companies and towns went under) and seized all the gold people had and enacted laws to make it harder to own gold, cobalt, platinum, and so on (this was the death of Reno NV). Now they are taking the copper out of our pennies.

Our Forefathers must be rolling in their graves at the mockery that we have now become! No longer do “We hold these truths to be self evident.” By cutting up our constitution to suit the party in office and their agenda, “We the People” loses it’s meaning!

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