To whom it my concern

A major part of this Blog is the excerpts (revised) of a book I am writing by the same name "A Funny Little Though,"

It is my hope to help serve mankind and the Mother of all of us Mother-earth.

True we were born sinners but we were also born to be "stewards" of this land we call Mother-earth!

Author and Illustrator, Mary K. Butler

This Blog is the political, philosophical, and religious points of view of One American. The three little dirty words we all like to talk about


Visionary, Philosopher, Theologian, Architectural Designer, Free Thinker

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

One body, one people, one world

To all the PEOPLES of OUR great Planet EARTH,
Thank you for taking the time to read the rambling’s of a simple being on Earth.
We are a people not a PARTY
Saving lives in everyday life
It has always been the hopes of this writer to make a difference in our world in any and every way I can! Thank you all for helping that happen. Each time one visits any of these sites it gives me the strength to keep going. It is easy to fool oneself that they are not of importance to our world, so please except my gratitude!
Я Революційна далекоглядний, Україна Дівчина, дванадцята покоління американських. Моє спадщина втратив Моє серце залишається.