To whom it my concern

A major part of this Blog is the excerpts (revised) of a book I am writing by the same name "A Funny Little Though,"

It is my hope to help serve mankind and the Mother of all of us Mother-earth.

True we were born sinners but we were also born to be "stewards" of this land we call Mother-earth!

Author and Illustrator, Mary K. Butler

This Blog is the political, philosophical, and religious points of view of One American. The three little dirty words we all like to talk about


Visionary, Philosopher, Theologian, Architectural Designer, Free Thinker

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Who am I

When compared to the Universe
I am nothing but one grain of sand
Upon a beach that never ends
To the world that surrounds me
Yet, for me
Deep in my chest
There is a aching pain
For as I look upon this beach
I feel as though I was the Great Mountain
A Mountain with many rivers
Rivers of tears
Tears running down the eroding face of the Mountain
That gave Birth to the Beautiful beach
A beach now stained with Blood
For, where there should be;
Truth, Love, and Unconditional Understanding
Instead we find;
Betrayal, Hate, and Unconditional Disrespect
In seeing this
I humbly ask the people of our world
To look into your books of faith
And see what I see
For I know not the line drawn in the sand
And feel, if any one suffers so shall we all suffer
Their cries sadden me as if they are my own children
To me, I am the Mother to all that will have me
The sister to whom so need me
Color, nor Race, nor religious belief will stop me from being there for you
Man, Woman, Child does not matter to me
For we are all Children in the eyes of our God’s
So therefore in mine

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