To whom it my concern

A major part of this Blog is the excerpts (revised) of a book I am writing by the same name "A Funny Little Though,"

It is my hope to help serve mankind and the Mother of all of us Mother-earth.

True we were born sinners but we were also born to be "stewards" of this land we call Mother-earth!

Author and Illustrator, Mary K. Butler

This Blog is the political, philosophical, and religious points of view of One American. The three little dirty words we all like to talk about


Visionary, Philosopher, Theologian, Architectural Designer, Free Thinker

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Blog or not to blog, Right wing views called religion

On A Blog sit by Jill Stanek I could not help but to post a comment on the Right Wing Religious view being brought forth. The following is response;

My response/comment:
We are to have a separation of church and state! I am VARY RELIGIOUS and am pro-life in many ways, but it is GODS place to judge others not mine, so when it comes to government law I render under Cesar what is Cesar’s and God what is God’s. My job on earth is not to judge or tell others what they are doing wrong, but to help them! And does not the Lord say to PLUCK THE THORN OUT OF YOUR OWN EYES FIRST BEFORE YOU DO THE SAME FOR OTHERS! None of us are without SIN! Would Jesus say it was okay a 16-year-old boys choice to be beaten, decapitated, and burned just because he was gay! The powers that be do and they use God word to justify it. No God of mine would do this! Would Jesus tell a woman that is afraid to bring a child in to this world just to suffer, that she is DAMMED! No, for he died for ALL OUR SINS. Once again, I see religious moral supersede social morals. GOD gave us the right to chose our own path and let no human or there laws stand in your way but God’s.

Jill Stanek sit Blog response:
IMO Mary Katherine, we must judge others actions and speak and act forcefully when confronted with immoral actions that lead to the corruption and compromise of souls. The proper action that balances with protecting the innocent with judging offenders often eludes me too. I have found that it is the best I can do to live by principle.

My response/comment:
From the mouth of Babes I hear:
"We must judge others actions and speak and act forcefully when confronted with immoral actions that lead to the corruption and compromise of souls."
If I thought I was pure and without SIN I would say these things too!!!!! Furthermore, one may think I have a unequivocal "GOD" complex (and could be misconstrued as a form of Blasphemy). Yet, I would never assume that I am without SIN and there for, have no right to enforce my will on others and use the Lord name to justify it! For whom are we to say that the person one is attacking was not preordained by GOD to be exactly what they are (The Lord knows all even down to the last hear on your head)? Did you ever think that they were not put here to test one such as yourself and your faith? Meaning, your faith to leave it to the LORD as HE states, or would you “Passing Judgment on Others” and take thing in to your own hands and commit an act of SIN against a child of God (for we are all his children, ignorant in "The Ways"). I have always prayed for all humanity & our planet and that includes you and by your action here I will continue to keep you in my priers, so you may find your own way to humble yourself to your LORD and except that you are nothing more then a "Babe" in the arms of your God. Peace be with you & Priers be with you and remember, “ Forgive “THEM” for they know not what THEY do!”

Jill Stanek sit Blog response:

From: truthseeker
To: Mary Katherine,
You don't have to be sinless to know when something is wrong. In fact, thanks be to God, such consiousness is a gift and a grace given even unto sinners like me and you. IMO it would be immoral not to judge and to let others go on sinning without "helping" them by making them aware of what they are doing and how it is corrupting them.

My response/comment:
In order to tell someone that they are wrong you must first Judge their actions! God is my Judge NOT YOU! The Lord said YOU MUST PLUCK THE THORN OUT OF YOUR OWN EYE FIRST! and JUDGE NOT LETS YE BE JUDGED and YOU ARE TO SHOW OTHERS THROUGH YOUR WORKS HOW TO BE ONE WITH GOD!

NOTE: In closing I wish the people of the world would STOP imposing their will upon others!
I hope that all people of the world would STOP enforcing their will on others!!!!!

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