To whom it my concern

A major part of this Blog is the excerpts (revised) of a book I am writing by the same name "A Funny Little Though,"

It is my hope to help serve mankind and the Mother of all of us Mother-earth.

True we were born sinners but we were also born to be "stewards" of this land we call Mother-earth!

Author and Illustrator, Mary K. Butler

This Blog is the political, philosophical, and religious points of view of One American. The three little dirty words we all like to talk about


Visionary, Philosopher, Theologian, Architectural Designer, Free Thinker

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Whom will you Lead if there is no people to follow

We are all the same when you get right down to it, "earthlings (Holocaust proved that, old money no money, all the same dead and naked)."  We are all people that have been forced to live in "Fear" of one another far to long. This is do to Our Leaders way of controlling the masses, through corruption, propaganda, media and pure fear of the other guy getting a leg up in the war department/power trip.

 If and when the people of this planet stop living in fear and just except one another for what each of us are (For we are acting like children fighting over "Who's" the favorite in Our Great Parents Eyes), we will see that there is no need for nuclear bombs.

Just take into account the fact that if every nuclear power plant on this earth went up, there wouldn’t be a living thing on this planet. You would have to concede that there is no room for more nuclear power, bombs or any other darn thing that has to do with something that has no "Half life."

In fact nuclear waste and destruction will out live us and our children’s children (and Hot scrap metal and tools meant to be buried, are instead sold off to contractors under the table and the tax payer pays the price in more then one way, with new metal prices and radiation poisoning).  Yet, THEY, our leader still wish to make more and more of this deadly elixir, and all in the name of peace and preservation, HA!  No Preservation in the word "FIRE!"  Just Boom!

Coupled this with the fact that none of our leaders are coming forward with the fact that our globe is about ready to pop its cork, with earth quakes, volcanic activity and global worming up over a 100% above norm. More and more everyday the Government sworn to protect us is tying the hands of our scientist to further exam the issues and a gag-order on those that know to much. In addition, they are pulling WEB sites that have any reference to Mother earth’s health.

Unfortunately, all that really interested “The People” at the “TOP’ is how much money they can make off the condemned people of this planet, before the shit hits the fan.  They, "Our Officials," already know the inevitable, and have their safe haven picked out already and really do not care what happens to the little guy, just like New Orland’s (wealthy live, poor died, wealthy homes are restored, poor must fight for it).

However, I say to you our Leaders, what's the use?  If there's no one left to rule-over, why would we need a Leader?  We as the "People of the World"  ( Stop "New World Order"{Leaders take over all the way], "We are One People," Mother-earths children [We take over], let me hear your Voice) need to realize that we are in this together and we are no longer people of different countries but instead one people of one planet (some of us call it Mother-earth). We need to stand up as such and lute our voices be heard, and have our leaders be held accountable for what they are doing not just to us but also our home planet “Earth”..
Learn More at my other Blog..

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