To whom it my concern

A major part of this Blog is the excerpts (revised) of a book I am writing by the same name "A Funny Little Though,"

It is my hope to help serve mankind and the Mother of all of us Mother-earth.

True we were born sinners but we were also born to be "stewards" of this land we call Mother-earth!

Author and Illustrator, Mary K. Butler

This Blog is the political, philosophical, and religious points of view of One American. The three little dirty words we all like to talk about


Visionary, Philosopher, Theologian, Architectural Designer, Free Thinker

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Lines drawn in the sand

Nowadays, our government and Big business have partnered up to rake the American people across the coals. Way else have the oil, food (with a decrease in portions), and lumber companies recorded record profits? (And the worker nothing)
Furthermore, now it has been reviled to the general public that the savings rate has gone in the negative. Eyes open?
This is perhaps, do to the cost of living going through the roof, lute alone the cost to build a roof, and the rates (interest rates and so on) increases in more then one sector (with promises of more to come), coupled with the Price Gouging that is occurring in the U.S. do to the so called War on terrorist, by the oil, power, and construction supply corporations.
I say the so called War on terrorist, for we have more terrorist in the U.S. then the hole Middle East, with gang activity at a all time high witch is branching out from all the major cities to the more remote towns and cities, and then there is the K.K.K., Aryan Nation, The Mulisha, Skin Heads, The Mob’s (Russian, Turkish, China, Mexican, Italy, and so on), Right-wing Fanatics, The Right to Lifers/“Mommy killers”(lets blow up a P.P.H. so we can stop killing of unborn babies and who cares if a mommy 8 month pregnant getting prenatal care dies, we are doing Gods work. "NOT any God I know")(Hay did you eat eggs this morning?), School Alameda's like the Skulls & The Masons, Free Masons, The Cartels and so on. If the people in office are true Christians shouldn't they be “Pluck the thorn out of their own eye” before we go do it another country?
Dose the V.A.?

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